Tuesday, April 07, 2009


I know I'd promised not to blog too much on emo and angry post but I swear I had never felt so angry at a human before. Like seriously. I almost yelled my lungs out. And out of my 22 years of being a human, this is my freaking 1st time to quarrel and yell at a friend. *ahem* estherbabie never quarrel or yell at a friend before besides the boyfriend. Ok a bit exaggerating, got quarrel with friends before but no shouting one ok? *roars* I do admit I felt bad after a while but noooooo I still have a feeling ok? I tried so hard to be nice. Like really hard. Mum asked me not to be too calculative and close one eye. But my nerves just explode as soon as we talk. Not gonna go too detail right now. Unless necessary >(

I need Baskin Robbins or Haagen Dazs Rum Raisin right now >_< Add Video